Vol. 2 // October 2020
US News reported in September that the constraints of the coronavirus pandemic have many more older adults feeling lonely this summer than in years past. According to a new poll, many older adults are feeling isolated while they protect themselves from the virus. In June, the National Poll on Healthy Aging surveyed more than 2,000 U.S. adults ages 50 to 80. More than half said they sometimes or often felt isolated from others, which is more than double the 27% who reported the same feeling in a 2018 poll.
And the share of older adults who said they infrequently interacted with friends, neighbors or family outside their household also grew from the prior poll. Nearly half of those polled in June of this year said they only interacted with these groups once a week or less, compared with the 28% who said this in 2018.
And while technology such as video chat and social media can be a great way to connect during the pandemic, those who used these tools were more likely to say they felt isolated. A majority of the sample reported that they maintained a healthy lifestyle, with eight out of 10 saying that they were getting enough sleep and eating a healthy diet. But those experiencing loneliness were less likely to report engaging in healthy behaviors such as getting outside and exercising.
Similarly, those who said they lacked companionship were more likely to report that their mental and physical health was fair or poor. In other words, loneliness is everywhere, especially now and we can’t keep ignoring this problem. Project 10:27 has been established to address this most important health crisis. But to make a real impact we need your help and support. Will you join with us to meet the challenge?

Project 10:27 INC is a non-profit focused on providing one-on-one Christ-centered care to people in need throughout the community. Through the development and heavy investment in one-on-one relationships, we offer care to those who are experiencing difficult times in life such as grief, chronic or terminal illness, loneliness, and food insecurity. We have a particular passion for engaging senior adults who are home bound or transportation challenged. We intend to make this most vulnerable group our first priority. To effectively serve them, we prioritize the development of the relationship and are dedicated to building trust by staying in weekly contact with each beneficiary. Through telephone contact, zoom meetings and face to face encounters in their home we aim for deep conversations, we offer prayer and Bible study while investing in a meaningful friendship. Through partnerships with area businesses and churches we intend to meet other needs such as routinely providing food, Bibles and personal hygiene items while seeking the ability to connect those we serve with those who are willing to help.
This mission is so important to me that I have rearranged my life so that I can dedicate my time, resources and talents towards this most important cause. I am pleased to let you know about this amazing ministry and how you can be involved.
Shane Carter
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